Thank you to our Sponsors

Richard Holway

Marc Hardwick

Louise And Carl Hetherington
Go Simon!!!

John Costa
Good luck pookie

Maria & Tim
Good luck from the Finches

Logan Patrick
Good luck!

Alexandra Schlussas

Roger And Heidy Powell
Knowing your determination you will do this!

Nick Jenkins
Well done. You are clearly a massive WALKER.

Fiona Carle
Happy Stepping Georgina & Scout! Great challenge for a great cause

Kel & Katie Forster
Best of luck Georgina!

Sue Hope
Such a worthy cause, well done you.xxx

Andrea Byrne
Good luck xx

Linda N Keith
Love Aunty Linda & Uncle Keith

Kevin James
Congrats! Well done Kate!


Winston Laing

Richard Wadsworth

Larry Parker
Keep on trucking

The trick is to keep putting one foot in front of the other....

Jo Stamp
Well done, you’re doing great 😊. Love from The Stamps xx

Well done George

Good cause! Well done

Kate Hanaghan

Emma Cottam Clough
Amazing work!

Becky Mcarthur

Christine Lewis
Good luck xx

Rachel Swan

Jen Lawrence
Go go George and Scout! May the sunshine every day to help you get those steps in! X

Maggie, Alex, Lucas And Amber :)
Smashed it!!! Well done HH’s

Belinda Tewson

Ashley Kitchen

Claire Baxter

Katy Ring

Georgina O’toole

Katie West
Good luck Georgina XXX

Holly Pressly

Suzanna Collett
Well done Simon, great charity, Keith and Sue.

Richard & Sophie Hutchings
Well done George! Xx

Excellent work pookie! Very proud

Fran Hobdell

Victoria Van Ellis

Samad Masood

Kirsty Boyd
No more standing around! x


Ange B
Good luck Kate!!

Toby Stafford


Jessica Hanak-hammerl
Well done Kate!

Your Darling, Hobs Xx
Well done, Kate. Keep it up!

Diana Baxter

Best wishes Georgina

Helen Mcteer

Rachel Brice
Good luck Kate!

Hollie Preston
Happy stepping!!

Jon Davies

Simon Baxter


Stephanie Mcgivern
Keep on walking 💪🏻

Tania Wilson

Emma Taylor
Well done kate! Amazing achievement! X

Judith Benfield

Good job Kate!

Craig Wentworth

Judith Milne Home
Go George!

Anne Ellis
Well done on your sponsored walking!

Matt Harris
Start walking buddy

Deb Seth
Doing well, Craig!

Deb Seth
Wow, you've really stepped out. Well done.

Deb Seth
You have competition from Winnie 😂. Good luck!

Deb Seth
Excellent stepping! Well done.

Deb Seth
Keep going. Well done.

Lara Calder

Well done missus!

Deborah Jenkins
Good effort TLK

Great job and great cause - can’t have been easy to drag yourself out some days.

Helen Boardman
Well done Kate!
Our Organisation Staff

Marc Hardwick

Kate Hanaghan

Dale Peters

Georgina O’Toole

Tania Wilson

Barbara Ravens

Holly Pressly

Helen McTeer

Holly Pressly

Belinda Tewson

Winston Laing

Craig Wentworth

Jon Davies

Simon Baxter

Fantastic effort TEAM TMV!